Mysterium is featured in PLSN Magazine
Antonio and Samantha were interviewed by Will Romano of “Projection, Lighting, and Stage News” PLSN Magazine. The article “Mysterium - Steinway to Heaven” was published on October 13th, 2018.
Romano provides a great opportunity for anyone new to the production, who hasn’t experienced it in person, to begin to understand the inner workings and the artistic vision behind the concert. The hope is that more venues might be motivated to invest in bringing this show to their audiences, as it is really a one-of-a-kind production that is accessible to wide array of audiences.
“Pianist Antonio Artese Channels Alexander Scriabin’s Obsession with Music, Scents and Colors
incorporating sights, sounds and aromatics as a nod to Alexander Scriabin’s abandoned, multi-media and multi-sensorial event, Mysterium.
Artese seeks to elevate our mental state.
Sensual elements germinate within the psyche and alter our perception through a simultaneous infusion of visual, olfactory and auditory stimuli.”
Read the full-text article here